My name is Dr Eike Schmidt. In this post I will give you a little bit of background information about me as context to my posts. See the about page to learn more about why you should not miss this blog. You might also want to read here about the thinking that is behind Kikentai Management.
Introducing Dr Eike Schmidt

I am not the professor of law by my name. Nor am I the art historian that made waves by being the first Non-italian to head the Uffizi galleries. And I am glad to say I am not the not so famous actor either (sorry, Eike!).
I am a German C-level manager in the software industry in his forties. I started my career as a research engineer but have quickly moved om to software engineering and then general management. I’m living in the Hamburg area and work as CTO at an ERP software and consulting company specialized in the German-speaking public sector. I have three lovely kids and a lovely wife. I also have practiced karate for close to thirty years now. Looking back at the beginning of this blog: it seems to have influenced my thinking.
My most active social profile ist on XING. I can also be found on LinkedIn and Twitter (@SchmidtEike) though.
Stay tuned to this blog for my thoughts on IT, management, martial arts and their connection.
[Updated 2016-07-22]
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